Hammerlord's very own, Terry Taylor and his "precious" have got a full page spread in this month's issue of Horrorhound. Way to go T.T!In other Hammerlord related news ... This Friday in Kansas City, get hammered with The Lord and more!
Just wanted to say thanks to all who voted us "Best Metal Band" for the 2010 Pitch Music Awards! We feel like some real weiners! We would also like to thank The Pitch for the free booze, the fun party, the new weed tray and for putting up with our shenanigans. It was so good to have all the homies in one spot, and remember San Dimas High School Football Rules!
In other Hammerlord related news ... we are slaying the Jackpot Music Hall tonight with our favorite mythical beasts, Troglodyte! Show starts at 10pmish, right after Bane gets done. Yes, that Bane. Just us and them in a steelcage death match till the bitter end. Ric Flair's Hair VS. Tombstone Piledriver!
It's been a minute and much has went down in the Hammerlord universe. Our CD release shows were a blast and we would like to thank all involved, and all who came out and had a good time with us. Audio and visual from those performances coming soon.
"Wolves at War's End" is officially out, in-stores, and available on I-tunes. We have also been informed that it's available via torrents / blogs all over the world, especially from sites outside of the u.s. of ahhh. To this we ask "fucking torrents, how do they work?!" All we know is that we believe in magik and miracles, and hopefully all those foreign downloads mean we will be touring outside of our country soon. Thanks for listening friends!
We have been nominated for "best metal band" by The Pitch Magazine this year. Not sure if you can still vote but we do know that, at least this one dude did....
THANKS DUDE! That's dedication, holmes!
We appreciate the support, although we find competitions pretty silly, but good fun. Speaking of fun, how about that Pitch Music Award Showcase? Much love to all who came out and banged their head with us. We would also like to thank Jeff from Troglodyte, Fletch from Koktopus, and Mean Dean the Metal Machine, as well as The Lord's own Terry (The Tornado) Taylor for filling in on vocals that night. Vocalist Stevie Cruz was attending the Twin Peaks Festival (20 year anniversy of the show) that weekend, and we are very glad to not have to cancel the show. Also in Twin Peaks/Hammerlord news, big thanks to Dugpawhooha for making this video for our Twin Peaks inspired song "The Ballad of Rusty Tomaski" hopefully this clears up the constant question of "who's Rusty Tomaski?"
We do have plans to make a proper video for this song in the not so distant future. Stay tuned!
Time to unleash the beast! Our new recording, Wolves at War's End, will be available as a digipak CD starting this Saturday, May 29th at our release show/party for just 5 bucks!
Come bang your head!
If you can't make it to the show and want to order a disc, hit up our friends at Init Records. Vinyl and digital copies of Wolves at War's End will be available in the not so distant future. You can stream the entire recording below! Click the player to check out lyrics, recording credits and the sick artwork by Justin Osbourne/Slasher Design.
We will be touring later this summer as well as continually playing area shows from here on out. To set up a show, hit us up here.
Dearest Lawrence, We did not forget about you! Saturday, June 12th we are having a CD release show at Replay Lounge!
Tracking for the new record is finished! Mixing time in full effect out on Hammerlord ranch. Still not sure exactly how this is going to come out but expect some kind of hard copy and digital files to surface April / May 2010!
Drummer Adam Mitchell has been recording these 9 bangers and he's done a great job. Eric Graves has been recording vocals at his spot and we have footage to prove it. We hope the video below will give you some insight to our very serious recording process:)
Also during the video you get a lil taste of some of the jams. There are snippets of Tombstone Piledriver, Demon Fever, Wolves at Wars End and Creating Destruction. These tracks are all going on the new record along with five more. Please keep in mind that these tracks have not been mixed or mastered.
Over the next month we will be posting more videos of us recording and guffawing it up.
Welcome to our blargh! Yet another spot where we can clog up the internets with all things HAMMERLORD and whatever else we'd like to blargh about. Since this is our first post let's bust a lil recap...
Our self titled first record (well...CD, our self titled has yet to appear as actual record but will soon:) came out right at the end of 2008. So we spent much of 2009 playing shows in support of it. We were lucky enough to play shows with: Lair of the Minotaur, Early Man, Darkest Hour, Jucifer, Testament, Pro-Pain, Mantic Ritual, Devil Driver, Warbringer, Valient Thorr, and Exodus just to name a few. Speaking of Exodus, check out the video below to see some of our set that night!
A month later we got to share the stage with our brothers in Valient Thorr and our friends at Lawrence.com were there to capture our performance and conduct an interview check it out
It was a grand year indeed and we wrapped it up in Kansas City with our friends Ultimate Fakebook. Thanks so much to everyone who came out and brought the new year in with us. A very merry 2010 to ya by the way!
Towards the end of 2009 we started writing and demoing material for our 2nd record and are now currently recording it ourselves out on Hammerlord ranch. More on that in our upcoming posts.