Our self titled first record (well...CD, our self titled has yet to appear as actual record but will soon:) came out right at the end of 2008. So we spent much of 2009 playing shows in support of it. We were lucky enough to play shows with: Lair of the Minotaur, Early Man, Darkest Hour, Jucifer, Testament, Pro-Pain, Mantic Ritual, Devil Driver, Warbringer, Valient Thorr, and Exodus just to name a few. Speaking of Exodus, check out the video below to see some of our set that night!
A month later we got to share the stage with our brothers in Valient Thorr and our friends at Lawrence.com were there to capture our performance and conduct an interview check it out
It was a grand year indeed and we wrapped it up in Kansas City with our friends Ultimate Fakebook. Thanks so much to everyone who came out and brought the new year in with us. A very merry 2010 to ya by the way!

Towards the end of 2009 we started writing and demoing material for our 2nd record and are now currently recording it ourselves out on Hammerlord ranch. More on that in our upcoming posts.
The Lord